Thursday, June 24, 2010

Small Successes Thursday

small_successes_badge-300x232 1. For Father’s Day I had intended on getting up early and making breakfast. While the getting up early part didn’t so much happen, I was successful in making ham and egg breakfast sandwiches. Yum!

2. I finally paid my medical bills today. The only thing that was keeping me from doing it sooner was laziness…so yay for not being lazy!

3. I went to Jen Yates’ Cake Wrecks book signing on Monday night. Why is this a success? Because so often I bow out on special events, even when I really Jun 21 102want to go, because I am too tired by the end of the day or have too many other things going on. I’d been looking forward to this book signing for over a month and I almost didn’t go because…well, I was tired and had too many other things going on. But I made myself get out the door and I’m so glad I did! It was a lot of fun, and Jen and her husband John are just as funny in person as they are on the blog. I even made a cupcake Wreplica! Wreck on!

What were your small successes this week?


  1. Great Job! I LOVE the Cake Wrecks website. Some of those creations are so bizarre while some are just adorable. I bet the event was tons of fun!

  2. Good for you! I am kind of the same way... I am all gung ho about an event, and then the day of we just decide not to go because of whatever reason. The worst one was I got free tickets to see Brad Paisley in concert... and we didn't go. :(

  3. Ahh, Tori. You are living my life. The fight against laziness and not going to things you want to go to because it's a hassle or your too tired. I've got something to do tonight that I know will be fun, but the thought of dragging 4 kids to a crowded place- I'm sure you know what I'm thinking! I will use your success as my inspiration and check in on my blog next week to see if it's my small success too!

    ps I never heard of cake wrecks. I'll have to check it out!

  4. Tori,
    I linked to you through my blog.


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